Alycia Miller is a bubbly character that can be a lot to handle. But don't worry! because her beautiful personality and the lovely type of person she is erases those bad things that might one day appear out of the blue. She is loyal but is also not afraid to tell you the truth (the truth hurts). She is definitely a person who would make you laugh at anything, especially herself. She is a girl you would love and the man that would love her is very lucky. She is a beautiful girl who might claim she is black but we all know she isn't. If you need a shoulder to cry on, she's always the girl to lean on. Alycia is a person who is hard to describe in only a few sentences but words can only describe so much. She may lack some confidence in herself but one day she'll wake up with more than you can imagine. Love you
Bubbly beautiful lovely loyal Alycia Miller
by the awesome one aka noob September 26, 2011
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Beautiful, everyone instantly falls in love with her, Compassionate, and all around the sweetest thing life has to offer.
by apr momma February 3, 2010
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Otherwise known as "bye felicia," this is a ho with no morals that will stop at nothing to win a pageant.
Kristin: Damn, Bree, I am worried about that blonde bitch with the big tits. So, I think you know what we have to do.
Bree: Oh hell no, I ain't pulling no pageant alycia like the last time.
by Butter Mike July 3, 2019
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An amazing precious actress who stars on FTWD as Alicia Clark. She appeared as commander Lexa on The 1oo. She sparked the great gay revolution, and the great gay migration following the death of her character Lexa. She has a jawline that could slit your throat, she can go from cupcake to daddy in .02 seconds, she is adorkable, and she doesn't know how famous she is.
Alycia Debnam-Carey is a bottom
by Lb420 March 21, 2016
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friend: have u seen new Alycia Debnam-Carey post
me: yespregnant
by alyciassugarbaby May 10, 2021
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An amazing precious actress who stars on FTWD as Alicia Clark. She appeared as commander Lexa on The 1oo. She sparked the great gay revolution, and the great gay migration following the death of her character Lexa. She has a jawline that could slit your throat, she can go from cupcake to daddy in .02 seconds, she is adorkable, and she doesn't know how famous she is.
Alycia Debnam-Carey is a TOP
Pilllowprincesslexa doesn’t know SHIT
by HedaAlicia April 8, 2018
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