Alaina is an amazinable beautiful short girl with beautiful blonde hair and gorgeous hazel eyes and is just the most beautiful angel you will ever see. She knows how to make anyone happy on any given day, and all of her friends love her in every way. If a guy ever meets her they can’t stop complimenting and liking her because there’s so much to love about her. Just her smile already brightens any guys day and she always seems to amaze anyone. She’s so unique and special because she shows much love and affection for anyone or guy she meets. She’s very caring and is an amazing older sister and always is honest and compassionate to anyone she trusts. She’s so beautiful there’s no words to describe and she’s also an amazing kisser. Alaina is awesome and the best
WOW Alaina your awesome!
by JesseDel November 6, 2018
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The funniest girl to ever walk the earth.
You will make thousands of inside jokes with her and never be bored. You can sit all day cracking jokes about things that others think make no sense.
She is very athletic and good at what she does.
P1: Have you met Alaina yet?
P1: Oh. Yeah, she's really funny.
by Allie:3 December 30, 2011
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The person with the sexiest duck face ever.
Lad 1: Man that chick is the hottest alaina ever

Lad 2: Legit brah
by Legit101 August 19, 2011
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Oh my god she's hot af, smells good and is great in bed. Everyone wants to be her or be with her. Alaina is a blonde with the best rack and she's funny as hell. She makes a good friend and the perfect girlfriend.
Guy 1: Have you met Alaina?

Guy 2: Who hasn't, she's gorgeous.

Guy 1: For sure
by hsw627 November 8, 2013
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alaina, she is one of the most beautiful loving amazing girls in the world. she doesn’t know how strong she really is. she is most likely a badass. she’s really cool and sexy, in MANY different ways!
guy:i like alaina...
guy:she’s a bad bitch if she likes you back your lucky man
by NERDSdontdodrugs45778 July 24, 2020
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Alaina is a really beautiful and is very understanding. She is a really good friend to have when you need someone to talk to and just in general. She usually teaches people how to tir their shoes in kindergarten/primary school.
Alaina is my bsff💘 cuz she taught me how to tie my shoes so like Yah.
by Mila😎💘 February 22, 2019
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Alaina is a hot and sexy girl. She has a big ass and tits. Every guy is in love with her body and heart. She is really warm hearted and cares for a lot of people. She is good at making relationships last and dates guys not just for their looks but their personality. Alaina is in love with someone and doesn’t cheat she speaks the truth and is very loving. Alaina is also very athletic she plays soccer and has a ton of skill.
Damn I love that Alaina girl she a full meal
by Thicgirl May 5, 2018
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