1) One of your previous significant others whom you've had a relation-shit, and coincidentally, a break up with. In most cases, not someone you ever want to see again. In very VERY rare cases, someone you might still talk to and consider a friend, because you both have a history and too many experiences to forget about together and are both mature enough to push any emotions you have left (if any), aside.

2) Your current bf/gf's ex. AKA an evil being that must be destroyed, at all costs. If you're a girl- for some reason, your bf's ex always seems to be a blonde with big boobs and a shitty personality who for some reason, makes you feel fat. If you're a guy- somehow, your gf's ex is famous among every girl you know, and if you ever bring him up, they can't stop telling you how "funny" and "amazing" he is. You also can't stop yourself from wondering if his equipment's bigger than yours.

1) The last two months of me and my ex's 1-year relationship were hell due to our constant fighting over stupid shit. So we broke up and I never want to see him/her again.
My ex and I broke up after dating for two years because he/she had to move. We got along really well during those first two years, so we still keep in touch.

2) (After current gf meets ex gf)
Gf: "Well... she was pretty."
Bf: "Uhh..."
Gf: "...Does this skirt make me look fat?! She was skinnier than I am! Why'd she have to be so skinny? What is she, anorexic?!"
Bf: "You look fine. You're just feeling the jealousy and insecurity that can only be brought on by seeing your significant other's ex..."

by i know my shit November 30, 2007
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One who seems to bring about a lot of trouble, who was always jealous and now is your worst enemy.
by Kelly Mitchell March 8, 2006
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A lit ass word used by Zambian teenagers which may mean guy, friend or anything that resembles that.
by Papacita.x February 23, 2017
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out of my life.
by GoodGameBub October 23, 2009
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An ex obviously is the prefix of past, but ex's never understand this. They are hideous creatures who used dark magic making you oblivious to all of their flaws. If you're a man , you were an asshole who didn't deserve a genuine loving person. If you are a women , you are a supercilious, pampered, promiscuous, BITCH. An ex generally tends to have sex with you because they are desperate whores who can't contain themselves. Meanwhile, you're dating someone else they have an epiphany that they have lost something of value and begin to plot a way of destroying your happiness.
by A cigar is just a cigar. January 27, 2011
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A very stupid guy that thinks in 5th grade, marriage is a possibility. He believes he is funny but is actually just stupid. He has not had a voice drop yet but pretends to have a masculine and low voice and constantly sounds idiotic. He is classified in the group of kids that think they are popular but are unaware that every kid in the school despises them. Also, he thinks it's ok to ask you out in front of your dad.
"Gosh who's that annoying kid"
"Ughhh it's just my ex."
by Addition1+1 December 14, 2019
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