The day where we recognize all the trombone players in the world and congratulate them for being so freaking awesome all the time.
joe: walks up to trombone player
trombone player: hey man what’s up?
joe: *hugs trombone player* happy national trombone appreciation day man!!
trombone player: aww thanks man you’re the best
by westanahealthytromboner October 24, 2019
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When you eat an excessive amount of jalapeños then use the diarrhea as a lubricant all over her body
Joseph: What did you and Latasha do last night?

Trevor: We went to a Mexican restaurant and I have her a spicy trombone several times that night
by Loser Romney March 24, 2014
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When the girl takes large amounts of laxatives then the boy eats her out until she shits all in his mouth and they start making out forcefully.
Boy 1: “Her breath smells like shit!?”
Boy 2: “Yeah I heard Jonah gave her a Turkish Trombone”
Boy 1: “Ohhhh
by Penisfart69420 May 7, 2022
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When you are getting a rim job and your partner drops a butt sneeze in your mouth.
Greg: Alex's breath smells terrible today.
Heather: Yeah, he got a muffled trombone last night.
by darrenpowell187 August 19, 2015
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A much cooler version of any NORMAL Dan.
Dan the trombone man walked into the room with a swagger that other Dan did not posses
by The Kiley February 3, 2015
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The act of a trombone being blown by a rusty man
AKA a nigga playing the saxo
Wow, that reverse rusty trombone is the new John Coltrane
by Mondan April 21, 2015
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Something failing couples try to save their marriage. The man attaches a low pressure air pump to his pens and injects air into his bladder, he then has sex with his partner as normal while 'peeing the air into her, making a trombone sound.
I totally Johnny Trombone'd her last night.

Why don't you guys try the Johnny Trombone?
by SquatchIt September 24, 2020
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