that patch of hair on your slightly clefted chin that won't go away, and rather metastasizes to your chest. select group of police that are out to wreck your life. post-gluten consumption clarity of mind.
i have to get my fuzz waxed
the fuzz are trying to screw me over
my mind is in a haze and everything is all fuzzy
by The-real-cobra-queen September 2, 2019
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un usually large, very jank, or crazy.
he went fuzzy
that size is so fuzz
that says fuzz all over it
by ­ -_-­ ­ May 7, 2022
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A fuzz is when you have anal with a girl and she farts giving your penis a fuzzy feeling.
"i was banging this girl and she gave me a fuzz"
by big boy676 May 13, 2019
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The Halo plasma Pistol also known as the fuzz
I Fuzzed the Terminater
by PshycoBeach March 3, 2010
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A columbus slang or greeting word that is bascially "cuzz" but a way that bloods change it up.
1. "aye fuzz, you heard about that new album?"
2. "fuzz that nikka a bitch"
3. "wassup fuzz!"
by hoodslangs4you October 18, 2022
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