An absolute asshole will leave you for girls that are psycho, and will call you a clown if you don’t suck his dick.
Damn why you gotta be such a Micah
by 235677 October 1, 2019
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Someone who’s fat, ugly and will die lonely without having a woman touching them ever
Man, the guy is such a micah.
by Micahsoda November 21, 2021
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I realy wierd person with a big head and is scared of every one
Micah stop being a bitch and lift that dam weight
by Yoshi fung December 28, 2018
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A goddamn RAT!
He betrays and backstabs you the moment you look away. Hell, even if you look him straight in the face.
Micah's the rat, Dutch. Not Molly, Dutch, him. HIM!
by Casshio March 24, 2020
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Stupid monkey that likes to eat pizza, chicken, and koolaid. He can't do a math problem to save his life. And wants to be a football player but is to fat to do so.
Get that micah out of here: that pizza eating micah faggot
by Nickkraus1114 September 24, 2019
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