continuously stabbing your burrito pretending that it's your enemy/least favorite t.v character.
i was stabbing my burrito with a fork today.
by y e s dream daddy August 27, 2017
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A word that is used to replace the word fuck
Hey girl you want to get crab stabed
by Jayden blaze July 16, 2018
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A crude, racist asshole who thinks his own stupid, random, inside jokes that no one else but his gay friends get are hilarious. He probably also likes men.
Stabs skeeos in women's underware and has bad personnel hygeine.
by Krunch-o's November 29, 2003
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To be a stud in a gay relationship that is a bottom.
My significant other is a stab, so i’m the top.
by cuddlesanddisney February 17, 2020
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When you eat a chicken nugget and it’s spicy
Omg it’s stabbing my throat 😏😏😏
by Alinaaaaaaaa February 27, 2022
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Hey do you know Stabs?

Yes ofc, they are my best friend.
by Anonymous132595 September 7, 2021
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