A game where guys sit around a poker table and a girl goes under the table and performs oral sex on one guy and they place bets on who is getting it. Winner is the guy who finishes and no one guesses right.
The other night during the poker game we got Amy to play Mongolian Roulette and Bill didn't flinch so he won $100.
by Bighead64 October 6, 2018
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A hybrid strain of Marijuana. Its identifying traits are bright green buds, somewhat dense, and a pungent fruity smell.
After two bowls of that Mongolian Sunrise and I ate the entire fucking thing.
by underlinevanity January 29, 2019
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A spider-like creature unique to the house of yanyan.
Wow! That's a big Mongolian Chulapi Nokunanji Kali Mao Lee Spider you got there!
by cassoy August 4, 2021
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when two friends know that they have slept with the same chick and refuse to admit it to eachother because she was really ugly, a total skank or lame in bed
i was having a drink at the bar with my best friend when a horribly familiar voice behind us shouted "hello boys!". One look at my friends face and I knew we were Mongolian brothers.
by blackstever December 19, 2012
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A sexual act in which a female partner gets 6 of her friends to drink yak's milk for several hours, the male partner is then beaten with leather straps or belts while the women urinate on him, simulation the act of mutiny on a Paddleboat adrift in the Mongolian Sea.
Being a high-powered alpha male rocket surgeon, the only way I can get off while I'm on leave from Seal Team 6 is when Debbie and her knitting circle surprise me with a Mongolian Paddleboat Mutiny.
by Beezunquette August 8, 2023
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chinii eej. if you don't know what that means, you're not mongolian.
by chiniieej January 3, 2022
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Kind of like the Inuit, they are born with a genetic ability to live in subarctic temperatures. Mongolians are the toughest East Asians. Mongolians can live in -20 Fahrenheit weather and ride horses better than most Texans.
A: It’s 20 degree right, why aren’t you wearing a coat?
B: I’m Mongolian, 20 degree is like Spring where where I’m from.
by Eastermister January 9, 2020
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