by Ashleigh Bryan May 31, 2019
A really good book, but which made me bawl my eyes out and scream for Marie Lu's blood. :)
Can be used to describe a book that is really good but made you want to get the author's blood and cry till the end of time. Eventually you'll get over it and appreciate the writing, but until that moment...
Can be used to describe a book that is really good but made you want to get the author's blood and cry till the end of time. Eventually you'll get over it and appreciate the writing, but until that moment...
by _bookworm July 7, 2022
Something to cheer hallelujah for when you reach the 100th day of trying to do 100 push-ups a day and finally make it to 100 on the 100th day!
by LikeXD31 August 3, 2021
Someone that stands apart from other’s. They will always stand and do what’s right.No one can prove them wrong because there always right. They will always achieve and conquer over all.The sunlight in the darkness.
by Alpha727 December 7, 2021
by DloanChampion + Pumpkin Knight August 7, 2022
Alex P - Charlie is undoubtedly the Catan Champion
Emily N - I full agree. We should engage in more amicable trades with him moving forward
Emily N - I full agree. We should engage in more amicable trades with him moving forward
by Web By Association October 19, 2020
Ethan is the Glizzy Champion of Niangua
by BigPapiEthan69420 January 12, 2021