In February, 2020, Trump's casual boast about the future of coronavirus in America.

Five months later, there were four million confirmed Covid-19 cases, a number estimated to be one-tenth the true figure. 144,000 Americans had died. Trump continues to insist he was 'right'.
"We have it under control. It won't happen here."
by Monkey's Dad July 22, 2020
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1). A term that essentially means you are a fucking idiot and thats why that happened.

2). The literal meaning of explaining how that happened.
" When an elephant gets excited and wants to release tension it climbs on a female and fucks them, and thats how that happens!" -Jeannine booty Little
by Grandma's sugar lumps February 11, 2019
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Its just a person who hides name over asking something

It is only used with boys to keep something private ,when ever they got asked bout it they wont say anything
What happened to Himnothing he is cool l guess
by What Happened To Josh February 12, 2023
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What ever happens in seaside Florida should and will stay in seaside Florida forever.
"I got this girl pregnant in seaside Florida what do I do"
"What happens in seaside stays in seaside"
by Jackobeast256 September 28, 2021
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Hard time, bad luck, broke, poor, death, feel like dying but won’t, starving, near tragedy, gone to hell in a hand basket.
I can’t afford the rent increase, my kids got the flu, we're hungry and have no food , looking for a job is hard being permanently disabled no one will hire me and we are about to literally be HOMELESS for the first time ever, but hey, shit happens .
by Río Bravó January 23, 2018
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What your mom said to her friends after you were born.
"Omg, what is wrong with your kid?"

" Oh, you know. Shit happens. This time I fucked a crocodile. "
by Banana Republik May 22, 2018
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Shit Happens when Life doesn't go your way, or you pooped yourself. Like they say: Shit Happens!
Guy 1: Yo bro, Shit Happend with her and I.

Guy 2: I know right, Shit does happen!

Random Guy 1: Oh gawd, I shitted on the floor!

Random Guy 2: It Happens, Shit Happens
by Officer Oggi April 28, 2020
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