This one cannot be done alone. You must first gather a bunch of your friends. Then you must find Sloptimus Prime. Once you have obtained Sloptimus tie her legs to the head board of a bed. Have all of your friends blow a nut inside of Sloptimus. The one who is the father 9 months fater looses.
Russ: I got bad new....Sloptimus Prime called, remember that game of Persian Carpet Roulette we played 9 months ago... looks like Doc is the father. Doc: But it looks like Mike. Randy: It kinda looks like Russ. Mike: Lets go on Maury and pray its not a freakish mix of all of us.
by Rush Mayhem IV December 10, 2009
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Figure of speech referring to a cheater of some sort. Said cheater needs not be of Persian ancestry of a poker player.
Honey, you slept with my best friend? you are SUCH a Persian poker player!
by White Bread January 8, 2006
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What soldiers comming back from the Middle East get after having sex there with prostitutes
"Man, I just got back from my second tour and I still can't shake this persian rug burn I got on leave."
by Dsaster April 26, 2010
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a woman who brings home men from local frats, specially bosnians.
That girl was a weedy ass persian, she gets all the men!
by KSKsquad November 22, 2004
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A psychological disorder arising from past dating experiences with Persian women.

Men with PTSD often have nightmares, depression, anxiety, hopelessness and high credit card debt.

Men who have dated Persian women and managed to escape and survive, require intensive therapy to overcome the symptoms of PTSD.
Friend 1: Hey man! Are you going to ask out Samira?

Friend 2: No I can't. I have Persian Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from dating Shadee last year. I cannot repeat that experience I am making so much headway in therapy.
by Millennial X May 6, 2019
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The Persian S’more is a sex position, or act involving One person, likely a female, to spread their ass, as one other person, male, shits into the females spread apart ass. The male then nuts onto the females ass as well. The ass cheeks act as graham crackers, the shit is chocolate, and the semen is marshmallow. This creates the perfect, Persian s’more!
by TheReidShowSNAP December 4, 2020
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Nice cut penis. Smallish to average. Hairy balls.
No example needed. Women who date them know what I am talking about.

Iranian persian cock.
by Carla89 January 14, 2018
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