She is the nicest and prettiest girl i know she puts her friends feelings before her own and will stick up for any of her friends no matter the cost she is independent and dosnt like it when people worrie about her even though she wants someone to talk to besides her parents when she gets mad or sad she is a great person but it takes her awhile to warm up to u when u first meet her but in the end she will have your back through thick and thin i loved it when i meet her and will do what she says because she is very trustworthy i love talking to her and im so glad i meet her i luv u sis
Kenzie is my best friend
by Dennis f July 7, 2018
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Kenzie’s are insanely intelligent and pretty girls. They are honest, kind, super fit, and always have the fattest tits.
Man you’re dating Kenzie, she’s got everything bound for her.
by Ralphie29 November 24, 2021
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She’s extremely nice and pretty and she’s also very athletic and also thoughtful
Look at Kenzie she’s so sweet and nice
by Ghtcdjdjixr January 25, 2018
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The best person you'll ever know. He's always got your back when you need him.
"You know that kenzie? hes so nice and got a massive cock too"
by Arab man2211 July 27, 2021
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The two iconic best friends. You will never get a better relationship than these two girls. They do everything together and nobody is as close as they’re. If you have a best friend and your names are Lilly and Kenzie keep them around. They’re there to stay. Both of them are so kind and forgiving and there to listen to each other when needed and gives good advice. If you’re a Lilly and you don’t have a Kenzie, find yourself one. Same for Kenzie’s, if you don’t have yourself a Lilly go get one quick!
Oh there’s Lilly and Kenzie doing dumb stuff together again
by Waldo2.0 November 14, 2020
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