Someone who follows you everywhere and begs for attention.
Ben: ”Do you know Sarah she's was following me for ages

Craig:”Yeah I know she's a right Curious George.”
by SlimyKnees1945 February 11, 2021
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A evil man who burns peoples crops, poisons the water supply and steals livestock, he comes from the UK, his existence is most likely a mistake a caused by a scientist, or one of Margaret Thatchers minions.
Curious George was sentenced to death after news got out that he said the n word, somehow he escaped from his cage and has been up to no good since then.
by GoofeyGoober14 March 23, 2021
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When you fold a dollar bill in half so the fold runs under George’s nose and then run it down the crack of a strippers ass.
I was at the club and I gave this stripper a Dirty sanchez George.
by PDirty December 20, 2018
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This is a day where we are thankful for georgenotfound and his amazing content and merch he provides. (
Did you hear today is Thankful for George Day? Everyone is so thankful for him.
by Anonymous Trump Supporter November 25, 2021
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aka a guy with really weak shins
“oh look it’s benjamin george thomas the third, i dented his shin the other week”
by c1nnxm0n August 2, 2022
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The dog who gives you the bone on Christmas day.
"She's lettin' my boy in the back door tonight" " yeah bro he's chilli george in it"
by Mtrinket July 24, 2019
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