A Pixie is a free sprited South African woman that allows the world to form around her... rather letting the world telling her what to do.

Pixies are often confused for being hippies; by vertu of being vegetarian, being practicing yogo jedi masters and applying nuturalising body scents only on new moons.

Pixies should be treated with the upmost respect and love to ensure they thrive in this polluted and cluttered world.

She's pretty, she's hot, and she's a truly wonderful person.

If you're Pixie is not performing; a coffee, sunshine and a smile, and she's sure to pick herself up.

Percy x
That Pixie is Premier League

Without your Pixie, life will be dull
by Percy Slab April 21, 2018
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A word commonly used as a slur to describe a girl who is attracted to both sexes. Straight girls and Lesbians do not apply, although girls who are bi, pan, or in any way attracted to both sexes.
Person One: Hey, do you know any girl who might be interested in a three-way?

Person Two: Ask Olivia. Total pixie.

Person One: How can you tell?

Person Two: Haircut. It’s to the shoulders.
by Karisuta August 17, 2020
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Pixie; common slang often used when referring to someone as gay, or if in the case of a male, effeminate. Most commonly used as British slang, it's a renewed edition of the slang word 'fairy' which is an old word referring to someone who's a homosexual. Most generally used as derogatory speech from bullies or assholes.
Bully 1: God, look at him- he's such a fucking pixie isn't he?
by WhatALoserLol November 7, 2021
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A little man with a big ego that likes to run around in a gimp suit with his cock out
by Tony6824 April 15, 2022
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A woman with a pixie haircut, predominantly gay but can also be a Karen. Sometimes both. The longer and bigger the pixie, means higher status as a boujie cunt.
Person 1- Why are all these fast food restaurants looking so sleek and fancy now?

Person 2- The fucking pixies are taking over
by SgtCockRing69420 May 2, 2021
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Referred as a person who eats pixie sticks all day and lays down.
*On The Phone*
Molly: "Hey what are you doing?"
Me: "Nothing, i'm just being a pixie."

Molly: "UGH let's just go to the mall fat ass."
by vokeswagaon July 27, 2019
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