a polarzing/definitive decision or move ; that "parts the Seas" and divides people into friends vs enemies, interested vs not-interested (romantically) or generally splits a situation into decision tree, generally with two likely outcomes- yes or no, a or b, with little middle ground to negotiate.
If we discontine the ad campaign of X and give Y full run of the site and it doesnt work out for Y, we may never be able to get X back so we should be cautious, it's a Moses Move for sure.
by MikeyG81 June 4, 2009
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The sothern Illinois version of saying "holy shit". Usually said by 40+ yr old men with shaved heads often named R...o..b..b..i..e with "-ie" in the end not "-y". Work at banks or something like that.
Girl, she be like " 200 men in Illinois dont earn $10,282 a year...OMG!"

R..o..b..b..i..e, he be like "JOLLY MOSES!!..!..!" (he be throwing some candy at that girl.)

Jesus, he be like "HELLOOO!"
by jesus037 November 13, 2009
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A Jewish man who splats his pants
You splatted everywhere you Moist Moses
by Soft Steve January 18, 2012
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When you're the second car behind a slow driver who turns or changes lanes allowing you to lead the drivers behind you to or beyond the speed limit
Car 1 turns into other lane.

"Thank god now i can lead my people to proper speed as Road Moses "
by Disgruntled man December 12, 2015
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If you want to move through a tight crowd, just start retching and gagging like you're going to vomit. Never fails to part a crowd. The Puke Moses.
How can we get out of this packed crowd nobody is moving?

- Puke Moses your way through
by Deviantmind Mich November 5, 2017
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