a slur for those little nerds who enjoy math
Person 1: Yeah and that maggot said it was gonna divide me into fractions after I told it to get some bitches LMFAOOOOO
Person 2: LMAOO what’d you do then
Person 1: I shot it.
Person 2: Godbless 🙏
by 20 inch daddy October 12, 2023
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1)A small person.

2)A common fruitfly

3)A person who is as drunk as hell

4)The English word for gusano

5)The thing Pein calls you and you have no idea why
What else do you need, maggot?
by NowBringIt February 9, 2013
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Person 1:"Hey, are you a maggot?"

Person 2:"You bet i am, SlipKnoT for life."
by MJ_8730 April 8, 2020
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A sexy person with at least a 24 inch penis. Whilst considered a ‘nerd’ the maggot has less brain cells than a wooden board. But what it lacks in brains, it makes up for in dick size
“Ow! I just walked into a glass door, but at least I’m packing 24 inches!” -Maggot
by Maggot potatoe September 23, 2022
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A low life person who does things that are shady, unnecessary and harsh. They will avoid helping even when they can and will throw people under the bus without provocation.
E.g.1. Dave is a maggot, he left the pub before his round
E.g.2. Greg is a complete maggot, he ate way more than his share of the donuts
E.g.3. While playing Fortnite they steal your loot or refuse to revive you "Frank! You are being well maggot!"
E.g.4. Tells your new gf an embarrassing story that they swore they never would reveal
E.g.5 Watches a film that you are really looking forward to and then deliberately spoils it for you

An action can be described as Maggot.
Repeated maggot behaviour is Maggotry.
You can be a maggot but also just occasionally do something that is described as maggot.
by GLAIB August 21, 2022
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Person #1: josh said he supports trump now!
Person #2: whatta maggot
by TheForgottenFurfag March 29, 2020
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