The sound you hear in a public bathroom when someone's busting ass on the shitter.

Commonly heard in Walmarts and Taco Bells.
I knew I was doomed when I could hear the unpleasant sound of the porcelain echo, through the door of the Taco Bell bathroom.
by Lulu Bean March 10, 2023
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When you suffer trauma as a result of being in the echo chamber of the internet and social media. Another cause is from hearing the nonstop news of Trump and the Republicans.
This year is so long and exhausting we’re suffering from some trauma echo due to this pandemic and having to constantly hear and feel the he incompetence of this administration. It just doesn’t end.
by AmericaRunsonDunkin December 3, 2020
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when you get a notification on one device and then another, and another, and another in quick succession - this is what is known as the "echo". Also known as "an echo".
Dude, your notification echo is a real pain in the ass.
by Rupert grint September 25, 2015
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A social game of, 0 gravity ultimate frisbee-Socker. Known for e sports and it’s high skill ceiling. It’s players range from 5 year olds screaming slurs, and singing we don’t talk about Bruno, to absolute mega chads that break the scales of mega chad-ness.

This game is also much cheaper than the Eiffel tower as it cost no money.
“Hey John ever play echo vr?”
“Yeah it was awesome a mega chad helped me clap a bunch of squeakers
by AtusticTrtl September 4, 2022
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"oh did you hear echo ashton???theyre such a wanker!"
by vubbo April 12, 2021
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To purposely send messages in a group chat during a zoom meeting to hear everyones notifications
I was Echoing the hell out of zoom staff meeting today!
by WildcatKing May 15, 2020
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When you cough into someone's arse during sex.
Morton said before we start can you give me a smokers echo.
by GPO 1234 March 6, 2022
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