Mckye Hanson never talks any sense and has no clue about anything, he is such a chump
by gullywar March 26, 2016
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Someone who looks to others to believe in him because he does not believe in himself.
She always has to stroke his ego! Yeah bro her boyfriend is a chump!
by FM Punk October 18, 2018
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A half boner. Usually you get em when you see a sorta pretty girl. A chump is cooler than a boner. This word was made by Brent(BDB)
Erin gave me and danny a chump.
by Yup this is Brent September 14, 2008
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someone (goes by the name of ammon) who is so cool and swag and who is liked by many including i. his only flaw is his lacking in foosball but has potential to become mediocre at it someday.
person #1: wow look at that guy i bet mcdonald’s is the only thing he can afford! but he looks sexy af

person #2: must be a chump!
by golittleswagbaby December 6, 2021
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A chump is a fellow with very hairy feet that are like cinderblocks. A chump is known for dropping whole pizza’s on the ground and for picking up pans of wings with his bear hands. A chump must never obtain Marvin gardens during monopoly.
by My brother is a chump May 6, 2020
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1. Chump can be referred as a "huge disappointment" or a "let down" it is many used as an insult to others.

2. Suicidal feeling you will get (similar to extreme depression)

3. Someone that hides their emotions from people because they're scared of a reaction (it is mainly a depressing emotion)

Something sinister to it
Pendulum swinging slow, a degenerate moving
Through the city with criminals, stealth, welcome to enemy turf
Harder than immigrants work, "Golf" is stitched into my shirt
Get up off the pavement brush the dirt up off my psyche
Psyche, psyche
by Nuahsar August 17, 2019
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