Thats right ma nigga.The term used primarily by african-americans. if a white boy uses it, hes liable to get a beat down.
Black man 1. yo nigga, you want some

Balck man 2. Fo shizzle my nizzle!
by taylor March 12, 2004
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Originated By Early East Coast Rappers. Particularly P.Diddy and Snoop Dawg.

For Sure my Dog. See dog
fo' shizzly my nizzle bioch
by Dictionary Dude June 16, 2004
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Affirmitive response.
For sure.
Becky: Are we going to the pub tonight?
Edward: fo shizzle my nizzle
by Anonymous September 8, 2003
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for rizzal, my izzle shizzle nizzle etc.

certain groups or gangs that can't speak english properly, so they have to make up they're own words in there place you they can say them w/ out screwin up.
for sure my awesome friend nigga
fo shizzle my izzle nizzle
by incherz October 19, 2004
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