Just an absolute extreme period of time of multiple people just jocing on another person and it becomes a joce festival with all the jocing activities.
Aye you wanna go to Joce Festival later?
by joce festivities March 26, 2021
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A summer music festival in Dover, Delaware. Filled with old sweaty men on acid, fratboys, and alcohol abuse.
Dude, let's chug some brewskis and mosh to indie at Firefly Festival
by okeydokeys June 23, 2015
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A large group of people that do shopping cart racing around many different stores every night after midnight. See the definition of shopping cart racing to find out more.
I saw on a flier that there’s an shop speed festival somewhere in town. Wanna join?
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 12, 2018
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An annual festival known to natives as PFP which in people display their prized logs on the streets of Pittsburg, PA.
Hey bro, I just dropped a wicked five-pounder! I think I might enter it in this year’s Pittsburg Poop Festival!!
by The Ploopy Man November 30, 2020
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Louis dream that is coming true on Monday the 30 of 2021
So do you heard about the away from home festival? Yes that’s Louis dream
by Vanessa2891 August 27, 2021
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The preferred term for a Faire. Often used for Renaissance themed events.
Person 1: I had a blast at the Koroneburg Renaissance Faire yesterday!

Person 2: Don't you mean festival?
by RenFan19345 October 16, 2018
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Akame (real) (gab) (beta male): lmao hes back
Festive liru fucker (real) (chad): fuck off
Akame (real) (gab) (beta male):*dies*
by the real liru fucker October 11, 2021
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