a mum who smokes inside, complains, almost always has a ex husband and always goes to the corner shop for a 24 pack of coca-cola. And almost always has a kid in primary school
by Meltdown.x April 2, 2022
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The courts mum is a rare species residing in one place - the British courts. She’s mid and usually has at least one kid in primary school and two in year 8-10 secondary school. She normally can be seen with a glass of red in her left hand by 12pm and always has this weeks boyfriend by her right hand side. She almost always is smoking fag(s) inside the house and she either has a leather sofa or the classic white one. She has the classic brown grainy carpet and almost always has 1-5 cats.
“Did you see her smoking those fags with the kids in the car
“Yeah! She was such a bad mum”
“I know right… what a courts mum
by Leonisgaylmao April 2, 2022
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The vibe you get when you're walking on soil or a path with red stones that ressemble a tennis court.
When you walk with the bros and the moronic kid of the group sees red stones that remind him of a tennis court.
Ideally, Lorde's song Tennis Court plays in the background.
The moronic guy from the group was walking on the little red stones when he got the tennis court vibes.
by Whoopty679 January 27, 2021
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The highest legal authority in America. The Supreme Court is tasked with controlling and regulating laws, and is always the highest authority when a debate on what laws mean arises. The Supreme Court is vital for America to function at all.
Amy Coney Barrett got sworn in as a justice in the Supreme Court today.
by The Living Graveyard October 27, 2020
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When a wife knows the truth and a husband tries to deny it he can be overruled by wife-court.
I overruled my husband in wife-court yesterday when talking about buying or not buying a boat. We bought a new car.
by Manugga27382 July 8, 2014
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Someone love being in a relationship and usually more in love with the idea of love.
That pop star is the courting kind
by spen53 March 23, 2018
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a direct English transliteration of the french expression " la balle est dans ton camp" this expression means either

a) it is now your turn to play


b) it is now up to you on what to do/what decision to take
mother: Angela, why are you doing drugs? I now give you choices: either you leave your current boyfriend Brandon and stop with your drugs, or you can leave this house and move in with him; in which case I will want to have nothing to do with your life. The ball is in your court.

Angela: I would like to commit suicide.

mother: that's not an option. i am taking you right now for a psyche eval.
by Sexydimma May 20, 2012
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