A guy who struggles to get hard when in bed.Curtis is often an ugly man who’s says he 6ft but in reality 5’4.He is likely to bite you.
Damn did you see that weird curtis
by pipebutt November 22, 2021
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Nice eyes,definitely gonna murder me for this
Curtis is going to slap me
by Scran Frank February 8, 2021
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Generally used towards short people who rival lord of the ring dwarves in height
He’s so short he must be named Curtis
by Bunbran August 5, 2023
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A man with a massive penis and access to all the women he could ever ask for. Due to his massive shlong the world inconveniences him in every way possible but that is not enough to stop him. With his broad lance and incredible stamina he claims the flower of many and builds a harem of sexually dependent women.
by FactSpeaker69420 March 28, 2021
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The local daily crackhead janitor who works at your school
kid: Yo Curtis

Curtis: wut boy
by Mosu! September 25, 2021
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Curtis can be one of the most sarcastic people you will ever meet. He can generally be seen in the wild with thick, bushy eyebrows and a heart of gold. Once you get past the hard exterior, you meet a person who is very fond of animals and uses humor to cope.
That Curtis guy has the best eyebrows I have ever seen!
by Out_Of_My_Mind January 31, 2022
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