person 1:hey have u seen pixie bob
person 2:yah shes hot as shit
by -pixie bob January 17, 2021
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An absolute lad, he storms over all mortals and will one day rule us all.
Person 1: Holy shit is that an American Pixie Frog?!
Person 2: It is 😳
by Constantsmile May 18, 2021
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1. A beautiful frog that is often times explained as fat, or a god of some sort.
2. A frog that Constantsmile the youtuber loves and uses for memes much too often
OMG IS THAT A american pixie frog
by LegendaryEv May 18, 2021
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Adjective used to describe a gremlin, demogorgon looking-ass , talent-less hoe who who covers bewitched songs.
"hey look, pixie shit's on the tv again"
by Big Tasty Papi April 22, 2017
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A minx of red hair, the ultimate sexual turn on and giver of awesome blowjobs. But you'll never get one. Usually from Derbyshire, UK.
"Hey dude have you seen that Ginger Pixie over there?"
"Wow, I bet she could suck the lifeforce right out of you"
"Oh she absolutely could but she's far too busy being fabulous"
by Hew G March 27, 2022
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A very general term for a large number of different things. Can typically refer to anything that could be interpreted as a magical dust, whether that be a game item, a philosophical or supernatural concept, or hard drugs.
“Dude, you know we’re all made of pixie dust right?”

“With all the shit I’ve taken I’m probably at least 50 percent pixie dust by now.”
by An English chap April 28, 2021
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A Pixie is a free sprited South African woman that allows the world to form around her... rather letting the world telling her what to do.

Pixies are often confused for being hippies; by vertu of being vegetarian, being practicing yogo jedi masters and applying nuturalising body scents only on new moons.

Pixies should be treated with the upmost respect and love to ensure they thrive in this polluted and cluttered world.

She's pretty, she's hot, and she's a truly wonderful person.

If you're Pixie is not performing; a coffee, sunshine and a smile, and she's sure to pick herself up.

Percy x
That Pixie is Premier League

Without your Pixie, life will be dull
by Percy Slab April 21, 2018
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