A person with a blog on tumblr with a lot of random depressing stuff, but a lot of beautiful stuff too.
by Raria May 17, 2012
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The echo made by filling someones open up ended butt with liquid
Did you hear the butt echo in Mandy's ass from Tommy's beer?
by Uncle Gunnysack June 21, 2018
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An echo chamber so tightly sealed that no amount of truth can seep in.
They said the quiet part out loud outside of their echo bunker and now they're suffering the consequences of their own actions.
by WokeProgressiveSocialist April 19, 2023
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When your progressive friend says out loud extemporaneous thoughts about conservatives.
These conservatives are the same people that used to say you can't say you're trans if you don't make "any effort" to look like you "belong" to the gender you identify as, says my head echo.
by fishnightout January 2, 2023
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A very seductive looking man who has not only the sultry eyes to lure you in, but also the strength to send you up to Jesus.
Did you hear Echo Delta Yankee is dummy thicc?
by Mr. Hiesenburger March 8, 2022
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A highly-embarrassing (or highly-AMUSING, depending on who you talk to, or on whether "high-brow" or "low-brow" company happens to be present at the time) phenomenon whereby your butt-hole decides to do its Robert Perry impersonation --- i.e., you fart at the same time as you perform some other bodily-function "upstairs", such as coughing, sneezing, wheezing, gagging, etc. Extra caution/concentration/awareness is often in order in an instance such as this, since it can be prime circumstances for an incident of orifice-outflow overload.
Why is it that any degree of crude disgustingness regarding unfortunate nasal/oral occurrences is always tolerantly allowed for, but people get all grossed out if there are any accompanying anal-echos??
by QuacksO February 5, 2019
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