A term used to refer to ones STD ridden yellow mellow ass blue waffle ass penis that has like fucking mold growing on it
Mum: Hey johnny, I loved blowing and riding your Whipper Snapper last night!
Johnny: I loved fucking and fingering your sticky cat, and It felt amazing, but you're my mum so don't mention it to anyone at school, okay?
by PeenWee November 9, 2022
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A Whipper Snapper is just a young person who is inexperienced and overconfident and mostly used by older people.
The old man yelled at the whipper snapper as the young boy walked on his lawn.
by #1WHIPPERSNAPPER January 21, 2021
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The act of a male inserting his penis into a women's vagina after pulling it out of her anus. Presumably there is fecal matter on the man's penis, which ultimately makes its way to the woman's vagina.
Mike 1: Some bitch wanted me to pound her ass last night.
Mike 2: How'd it go?
Mike 1: Pretty nasty in fact, she tapped out after like 3 seconds but I made sure I got my nut by giving her the old muddy snapper. I then doused my cock in Clorox.
by Mike and Mike the Accountants September 15, 2017
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The vagina of a redheaded woman
You know that blonde girl I'm dating, turns out she has a cinnamon snapper!
by sue-donnim December 4, 2015
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One who sends a snapchat to all of his or her contacts.
Jules sent me this wicked snap!

Yeah I got the same one, what a blanket snapper!
by Coop Sm1th February 24, 2017
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Adj. Used to describe extremely pronounced or large labia majora, or a woman possessing them.
"Whoa, would you look at the snapper flappers on her!"
by June 5, 2023
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