Home-made black powder guns that work similar to muskets. Completely legal unloaded.

Also known as a "biper".
Gemmino: Everybody in the United States of America should have a liberty gun.

Chase: Bop 'em in the head and dip the biper out the winder!!
by Naukloster July 5, 2018
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A school that many thugs to. The place is broke, so you can consider it as a ghetto. Most kids who go there are just plain mean and put others down for attention. There are some good kids, but they’re very hard to find.
Jackson: Liberty Eylau isn’t safe for me. I’m thinking of moving schools next year.
Kevin: yep. I don’t know why we went there in the first place.
by Cancer as shit May 1, 2022
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A neighborhood in Toronto, it’s where all the hipsters, millennials, and Portuguese and Italian immigrants live. Probably the best neighborhood on the planet, and I don’t care where you from. The art culture and architecture is iconic, the people are really laid back, and when all is said and done it’s a noice place. Long story short, it’s where all of Toronto’s coolness comes from.
Guy 1: “yo dude your so chill dude. where you from? Oshawa? Collingwood?

Guy 2: nah dude I’m from Liberty Village, it’s in the 6ix

Guy 1: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiick
by Tru North Strong February 9, 2021
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Liberty is a woman in her 20's who loves dogs and cats but only if they're a massive fluffball. She cradles them in her bosom to make sure they're nice and warm. Has a massive hatred for Tories (it's in the name) but unfortunately is stuck in a world full of them. Contrary to popular belief, she does not lift up a torch in America and isn't green. Massive weeb too.
Andrew: Hey Liberty I think Barney has peed on the floor again.

Liberty: No.. that was Shane.
by The Old Star November 23, 2021
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i can’t say anything more about this person other than they give great head. if you know a liberty ask her for head because i can confirm that it will be excellent
always fuck a liberty
by imalittlewhore November 16, 2020
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Apparently not just another name for freedom, but is actually is an amazing and cool person that you'll only meet once in a lifetime!
"Hey have you see the urban dictionary definition if liberty"
" no why the fuck were you looking up Your name?"
"Because apparently people on urban dictionary think people with that name are great people!"
"You are literal trash fire"
" I KNOW! They are so right I'm a great person!!!;D"
by Yeeter my skeeter November 16, 2019
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