Critical evidence someone claims to have, but that they won't make public. Synonym: Giuliani Files.
The prosecutor said he had absolute proof the defendant was guilty, but the Court would have to take his word for it because it was all Tucker Files.
by JG_in_SB October 30, 2020
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The different types of poop that you take note of for later information.
Lori, did you check the latest doodoo files to see what type poop this is .
by crunchy maul82 February 8, 2023
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A huge file, maybe a presentation or spreadsheet, that you inevitably need to send when your internet is down.
I need to finish sending this Big Ass File to boss lady Dina before she leaves tonight, it's really harshing my mellow.
by rule5 September 17, 2020
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People that have on-line stores they think they should be making millions of dollars without ever spending a dime on advertising or SEO.
Filed Of Dreams Syndrome - Anyone that is mad because no one shops at their crappy little store. Then they blame the web host who has nothing to do with it.
by delarion October 12, 2010
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Send me the incident report and I’ll file it.

Send me the info and I’ll put it in the file.
by RAVENLOTUSVEELA84 December 7, 2022
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Send me the incident report and I’ll file it.

Send me the info and I’ll put it in the file.
by RAVENLOTUSVEELA84 December 7, 2022
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