Someone who has lived abroad or who has a lot of body hair. (Public School Slang).
Dave was a complete wog at school, and looked like a drowned animal when he got out of the public bath after rugby.
by tiny winters December 22, 2018
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A racial slur used against people from eastern or southern Europe (Italy, Malta, Greece etc..)
she’s such a wog mate
by kenz styless November 20, 2021
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Foghorn level speech that sounds normal to wogs, however, exceeds normal talking volume to non-wogs.
They are talking at Wog Volume again.
by thena15 August 27, 2022
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A person who is newly out as polyamorous and is learning and exploring their identity!
“I haven’t heard of kitchen table polyamory, I’m still a poly-wog.”
by New to the pond August 22, 2021
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one who goes out of his/her way to appear and act as though they are of Greek/Italian/Turkish ect, decent. surrounding themselves with people of these origins, trying to pick up language terms and develop a 'wog accent' themselves.
usually being of Asian or Anglo decent...they ain't fooling nobody!
-have you heard Gary talk lately? he's picked up this strange want-to-be Greek accent.
-Yeah, he's been 'wog whispering' ever since he started hanging around with Stavros and Con.
by dr greasy January 24, 2012
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