A level of greatness that's beyond 'sick' but not quiet 'dead'.
Fan A: "The Cybertruck is sick."
Fan B: "Terminally"
Fan A & Fan B: "Terminally Sick"
High Fives exchanged.
by Rusty Menace November 23, 2019
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My brother thought he could see my terminality, he listened and stopped me from continuing
by Go-JuB12 April 7, 2023
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i looked this up for my math homework but couldnt find it so here ya go i had to figure it out myself a terminating decimal is a decimal without a end
person 1: what does terminating decimal mean ? i looked it up in the urban dictionary but didnt find it .

person 2: its a decimal without a end, For example, 1 / 4 can be expressed as a terminating decimal: It is 0.25. In contrast, 1 / 3 cannot be expressed as a terminating decimal, because it is a recurring decimal, one that goes on forever.

person 1: woah your a human calculator ! wow
by terminating decimal November 22, 2021
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A most unfortunate phenomenon among public transport systems in congested cities all over the world in which a bus journey, for example, spontaneously ends before its scheduled termination point, forcing the passengers to find an alternative route to their destination. This causes frustration among the passengers which may result in verbal complaints directed at no one in particular, physical altercations with the transport operator who had no say in the matter to begin with, or, in the UK's case, no verbal or physical reactions at all, but rather a subtle, passive-aggressive tension, created and felt by each individual who reluctantly steps off of the vehicle, which is held in for the remainder of the workday, thereby making it worse than it would have been already, spiralling the already bleak Brit further into the abyss of their own depressive essence.
Transport announcement of the premature termination: "Bus 220 to Wandsworth... the destination of this bus has changed... Putney Bridge Station - this bus terminates here."
Literally every passenger on the bus who is now late for work: "**silently, frustratingly contemplates suicide**"
by formula1reviews March 25, 2018
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When a young man deliberately agitates those around him, and cannot seem to exist without doing so.
Woman: Can you believe him? Putting ants in my hair and insisting I violently shake him to wake him up? A textbook case of terminal jackassery.
by Podium July 11, 2011
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The constant speed of caloric intake that a freely eating person eventually reaches when the resistance of their stomach prevents further ingestion.
It was when I leaned in to reach for that last slice of stuffed crust loaded pizza that I knew I had reached terminal chubbosity.
by 12many July 31, 2018
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A long, drawn-out story which has an anticlimatic or uninteresting ending. Usually ends with the words "but then i didn't end up doing it/going/etc."
Man, that guy just told the biggest Groove Terminator.
by mullins1210 February 8, 2012
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