A person who has the intelligence level of a fucktarded idiot who goes around slurping rectums and raping sloths (not necessarily in that order.) and who also finds pleasure out of feces and hideous women.
by BendJehovah March 7, 2014
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An electroplasmic rectum gives the satisfaction of extreme pleasure through electromagnetic waves, often registered through the rectum.

The after-effects can last 6-7 days with exaggerated spasms throughout the body, mind and (empty) soul.
Declan: I has experienced electroplasmic rectum
Demetrius Demarcus Cousins the 3rd: Dude that's kinda weird you should seek help
by registry leaderboard holders August 14, 2023
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When juice from an asshole leaks out after a tremendous pounding, tends to be a milky brown paste sometimes with a little red in it if the ass hole was ripped.
Hey Kyle what happen to your face?

Kyle: it's rectum spit from Dj's ass it dripped on me,
by Stevie plug your girl March 31, 2016
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Unknown anal activity. Not knowing or remembering if you had anal sex last night
I heard the door slam and woke up. James had left and my bum felt funny. Did he chuck it up my arse last night? Or was it a rectum Spectre?
by Fruitloopy74 July 13, 2019
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You have optical rectum mengitis. Ben told Travis that he may have optical rectum mengitis in the motel room feb 22 in Dexter mo
by Traviseng February 23, 2021
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