When your second toe is longer than your big toe
Colm has toe liberty.
by ColmHayden January 13, 2018
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A School that’s not really a school. It’s a place where a bunch of no life 14-18 year olds go. The boys vape and do drugs in the bathroom and think they are “cool”. The girls where horny ass clothes and wear a pound of makeup. The weirdos walk around with there dog collars and weird ass clothes and we can’t wear a hate because it just “makes sense”.
“Hey Didn’t I go to school with you at liberty high school.”
“Oh yeah, I remember the entitled pieces of shit. My favorite memories!”
by IEATBACON131 September 7, 2021
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A school where freshman think they’re something other than disappointments to their families sophomores are starting to realize how no one cares about them juniors go just to be there and seniors think they’re cool cause they’re older at this school football rains supreme even though we have the most mediocre team alive teachers don’t care what you do except for a select few, say where you thinking of getting high? we’ll go up to any kid and ask hey are you carrying they’ll probably say yes you want a good education go somewhere else when you graduate you will not be leaving with a good education no you’ll leave with heartbreak, depression, suicidal thoughts, and a lasting thought of fuck I just spent four years dealing with know it all assholes who haven’t matured since 7th grade and girls who still think that “beauty makes up for my lack of personality” swear to god there’s like a couple actually pretty girls so yeah wanna get high get a bad education and fuck ugly chicks we’ll come to liberty high school a place where dreams die and you might to
by Danielle Lauren September 13, 2021
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A lil ole fighter who is undefeated the raining defending champ she is also a sister of a street fighter Deryck Cleveland who is also undefeated liberty is mean funny n all the above
by Dj04 April 2, 2017
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A secret gun safe with enough guns to survive an apocalypse, and enough guns so you can preserve democracy
Mike: Hey, john, lets make a liberty deposit! John: Alright.
by lmaokk April 8, 2018
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A Girl that’s loving, pretty, and funny. She always helps people even when they don’t deserve it. She’s one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet and sometimes because of that she gets taken advantage of. She enjoys reading books, watching TV shows, and hanging out with her hot boyfriend that she loves flexing. She also has a fiery side to her that she sometimes uses. When people get out of line she’s puts them in their place. She’s a very fun and loving person and cares about everyone no matter the Circumstance. She’s also goes by: Lib, Libby, and Libbers
by DGmoney24 July 25, 2023
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A Girl that is very loving, funny, respectful, and beautiful but has a hard time sharing her feelings with others. She can sometimes get very mad at other and lash out at them. But she’s a great friend and person she will go through any lengths to help her friends. She is very brave and unselfish and loves to help others unless they deserve it then she will put them in their place. She also has a hot boyfriend and she likes to flex him in any way possible. Morale of the story stay on her hood side and you’ll be in great hands.
Hey Liberty Rose Grant
Liberty Grant: Pretty, smart, angry, loving and funny
by DGmoney24 July 25, 2023
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