Shawn: "Don't make me shank you with a Nigger Knife"
Will: "Dude, this is an elementary school, please call it an 'Afro Engineered Melee Weapon'"
by Firby January 13, 2009
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a female hippie protestor's nether region. the pube patch is so thick, it resembles a pool rack stuffed with afro hair. also known as an earth-mama muff.
i was gonna go down on Moonbeam last night until i saw her getting out of the shower with that pool rack full of afro hair.
by tony August 30, 2004
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another nyc radio goody...when a girl's most intimate of areas is so hairy that it looks like a pool rack pushed down over an afro when viewed from above...
Bitch so hairy her snatch looks like a pool rack with afro hair
by Tony Montana April 24, 2004
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aerheaareue tkjsrtyk

by pipes February 5, 2005
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An afro bean is a black hispanic
stfu that’s why ur an afro bean”
by enna😦 March 17, 2023
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Sex in which one or both parties have excessively hairy genitalia.
anthony: yeah... so when i started to do the afro dance with her, she's all... 'oooo ouch... slow down'
by mcvader November 19, 2008
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