A man or woman who purposely breaks other(s) hearts. Romantically.
by Jiwoy Yomamah March 19, 2016
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When you take a SERIAL NUMBER of any currency and track spending of it by putting the SERIAL NUMBER on another CHANGE from the original CURRENCY UTILIZED.

Having LEGAL SEX that is for an indefinite time where every SEX ACT is accounted for.
When someone gives you money as where you spend it and what is usually kept track of in some way so you might as well use LEGAL TENDER KITING as it will never have their trust for you bounce away from you but will in essence enhance it greatly.

Hey listen better do it right as LEGAL TENDER KITING is just what they you want to do where if they point you to be FIRST IN LINE you got others that are always SECOND IN LINE and that my friend may infer something.
person 1: hey, wanna go to mcdonalds for a double tender fuck
person 2: crispy juicy tender i fucked a transgender
by transfucker19280 March 13, 2021
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Money placed into the vagina after sex.
Hey baby don't forget to stuff this pussy with that twat tender this pussy needs to get paid
by BroKen jensen February 24, 2022
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When a guy can’t control his emotions over or female
I can’t believe you went over there and broke all her windows YOU TENDER-DICKARINA
by Bounce_Lit July 16, 2021
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Any chicken strip or chicken nugget that tastes like it came straight from your local shitty water park’s concession stand
“I’m such a picky eater man, I didn’t want to come to this Mexican spot.”
“Yeah bro, what are you even going to order?!”
“I’ll probably end up with some fuckin water park chicken tenders.”

“Everything about the meal was awful, from the frozen fries to the water park chicken tenders.”
by Birkin Lewen September 30, 2022
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It like holding a person hostage but you still kill him. You use him as bait kind of.
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