Someone who will sleep with anything is raccooning because they love to hunt for trash.
Did you see that guy? Phillip is raccooning again.
by DefinitionShortage April 18, 2020
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Going down alleyways or streets looking for cool stuff people leave out on the curb to take home and clean up for yourself or to resell.
Big J: Ready to go raccooning Lil C? We might pick up some CRT TVs for retro gaming like last time.

Lil C: Let’s go, I saw someone left a vintage bike on their curb.
by tommytambor November 11, 2022
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When you laugh so hard you cry and smear your eyeliner and look like a raccoon
*watching random viral video*


You: ew.
by manleeman June 14, 2011
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When a person of African or African-American descent puts on a superman-like behavior and or mindset. To defend white supremacy ideology. Denying that their racial community is and has suffered from systematic racism.
" Look at this black man deny that the klu klux klan " exists in this day and age. He is full-on raccooning"
by dogymodg August 18, 2023
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When indivisual licks a shit covered dildo that was tainted by 12 prostitutes.
"Let me get a rusty raccoon after school" said David.
by Lil Grindr March 8, 2018
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On September 19th, everyone in texas get a raccoon and give it cotton candy and watch a raccoon do what a raccoon does
Look, that raccoon has cotton candy, Must be National Raccoon Day.
by JoeMa_ April 4, 2023
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the very first day a girl had 4 raccoons up her ass -charity
national raccoon day is so cool, i can’t wait for 4 raccoons to crawl up my ass.
by bumbumgirl June 27, 2020
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