Going home after a camp (or event in which one meets many people) and adding/being added by everyone there, creating a mass storm of notifications, wall posts, videos, picture tags, comments, and "________ and _______ are now friends" on Facebook, all during the night one gets back or the day after.
After camp, everyone added each other and everything became a wall blizzard from there. I had trouble keeping up with the wall posts, comments, friend requests, picture tagging, and replying to everything!
by Lillie Taing April 18, 2010
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When a game that is many years old can be played at the maximum settings, yet still plays poorly at times due to a bottleneck with the engine or server.
M: The frame rate is phenomenal, but why are you still lagging? Where is your cape, did it not load yet?

B: Nope, that's a blizzard bottleneck.
by Hardagain January 5, 2011
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(n) The Midwestern version of an Alaskan Mudslide. The act of cumming into a condom and freezing it over and over until the condom is phallicesque enough to be used as a dildo. (Then using it as one would use a dildo.) The act of freezing one's cum dildo is preferably done throughout a long winter where you can freeze it outside.
"Yo bro, I've been working on this all winter, and I think I'm ready show this chick a Michigan Blizzard."
by G_freezy September 8, 2018
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The act of making a womans face so white with semen it looks like she went out in "blizzard conditions"
Hey check out jen. I jizzed all over her face and it looks like she went out in "blizzard conditions".
by pboudreau13 March 25, 2014
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When you're having sex and the guy pulls out and ejaculates in the air and it lands anywhere it wants without aim.
He did the Siberian blizzard lastnight.
by TheSinOfSinnistery March 14, 2015
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A massive sex orgy of blacks and whites taken place in the cold Canadian North-West
Man, that Oreo Blizzard last night was fucking cold. But so hot at the same time.
by GasTheFuckingJews January 14, 2018
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Person 1: Did you see that guy in the playground?
Person 2: Yeah, he's a total blizzard wizard.
by blizzard wizard March 17, 2022
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