he’s a big pussy but can grow a fat ass mullet with a nice 2 inch chode
Paul Nichols is a badass bitch
by pussyfucker989 September 17, 2019
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He's that guy who leaves you speachless every second of the day. He's someone you would be crazy to let go. He cares about his girl with all his heart and treats her like she's the rarest flower in the universe. He protects her and treasures her with all hs heart. He is truely that guy who will make you laugh till you pee your pants, squeal with happiness cause he is the one who knows all your "tickle spots" ;) and make it seem like you are the only ones on Earth. If you are sad then he's sad and will hold u close till all your worries are gone. If you are happy then he's happy. He goes out of his way to make you smile 24/7. He's the guy who wants to talk to you all the time and knows that he can come to you about anything and everything. He's always there to talk to and make you feel better no matter what is wrong. He's that guy who you have everything in common with and you practically read each other's minds. He's never angry with you and he never argues with you because there never is anything to argue about. He's funny, sexy, smart, supportive, makes you feel like your beautiful, caring, amazing, a talented muscian, and perfect in every way. He loves all the good things about you plus all the things that either go unnoticed or unwanted. He supports you through everything and would do anything to make your dreams come true. He's that guy that you love so much you can't even describe it or how happy he makes you feel. He is that someone who is your everything.
Dylan Paul Johnston is my sun, moon, stars, Earth, air... well... you might as well just say he is my universe.
by DPJ+KEK<3 February 16, 2012
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Literally famous for being Lebron James’s “Agent.”
If Rich Paul made it, that anyone can!
by Mowaffles September 8, 2021
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To blab about something serious to someone who endangers the lives of people close to you, and then walk up to them a day later, with a smug look on your face, bragging about blabbing.
Todd: You hear about what happened to Jane?
Hector: Did Sam pull a Smug Paul again?
by INeedAPsychologist September 2, 2023
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To fart in an enclosed public space and then leave it abruptly.
Never ride the elevator with Jeremy or Felix; they usually pull a Paul Ryan right before getting off.
by FlexyFreak April 19, 2018
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When a grown man has a habit of mistaking underage girls for being older than they are. When confronted about his disturbing habit, he often becomes very hostile and rages incoherently.
"Did you see Jeff pick up that fourth grader the other day?"

"Again? Dude, he is such a Lone Paul."
by Howard Juno August 28, 2014
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A boy who loves to simp for girls at the same time. Even when he glows up, you don't see any change.
Paul Axel thinks he gets all the girls.
by WolfieKay January 5, 2022
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