im thinking about rory all the time and i just want to tell her how much i love her but at the same time i feel so stuck in a position where itd get awkward and she might push me away so im scared and cant defend myself from that happening i love rory so much id love to talk about her every second and i just wish i was with her everyday i want to talk to her more and hear her voice a lot id be so happy hearing her rant about random little things im probably gonna end up writing a note about a girl i once loved named rory and she was the one i wanted to marry and have arguments like a married couple and sleep beside each other but its just my imagination and i hope that i get to see her soon before its too late and one of us get left behind. i feel like shes the special someone to me and that person id love to get matching rings with i want her to know how appreciated she is by me and i want her to appreciate herself just like i do. i like rory a lot like a lot. i love her so much and her being that special someone to me makes me the happiest. just seeing her gorgeous smile makes me blush so much and i feel like our relationship isnt even in a romantic way its probably in a sarcastic humorous way. id love writing notes with cute little fonts and saying how much i appreciate this girl. shes so amazing and she makes me smile so bright im glad that rory was the person who helped me up and fix the part where i wasnt loved anymore i love rory so much.
Natalynn: Rory seems like a really nice person!
Akari: She really is I can’t believe I won.
Natalynn: HAHAHA
by akari<3!! January 29, 2021
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GUY: Hey Rory
RORY: Heyyyyyyyy WANT to run about
RORY:*pulls out gun*

GUY:ok then

RORY: I AM THE BEST (procedes to shoot his in the head)
by anguldsun November 8, 2021
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A fat bum thick hoe who will show u a good time🤪🤪
He knows his was around a man or woman or dog so don’t ever doubt him.
He is a sexy speocimun

He will treat u like a queen baby girl.
They can usually ne found on the side of the street or in your local resident rubbish bin
Guy1- hey did you see Rory last night?
Guy2- yeah I found him in a trash bin his bum is sexy as hell!
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