This is not something you should look up. This will get you pregnant... BE CAREFUL
Nelson was made pregnant by looking up vista print, which he shouldn't have done.
by KitsuneMamori April 6, 2018
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A Macaronic Spanish (Mock Spanish) term meaning "See you later" or "Goodbye". The expression originates from the movie Terminator 2, and has become very popular since then.
Alice: Sorry darling, but, i have to go right now
Jason: OK, hasta la vista, baby
by CrazyOtaku250 May 10, 2023
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To make a mistake that'll make everyone pissed off; when something screws up to make you mad.
Ex. 1: NO! DAMN IT! Don't pull a Vista on me you stupid TV!

Ex. 2: FUCK! I pulled a Vista on my Girlfriend!
by JonZip July 9, 2010
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The street most commonly known for the apartment complex, Sunrise Gardens aka Little Mexico. Lots of drug use goes on on this street and everyone knows everyone.
"Man, did you guys see all those Mexicans on Sunrise Vista Drive??"
by lalalalalalalalla1111 May 10, 2009
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A highly competitive public high school in Cupertino California, often mistaken for Monte Vista Christian School. Around the late 1990s, asians began taking over and now it has become a nerd school. It is extremely homogenous not only in terms of the appearance of the students, but also their interests and hobbies, such as music tastes.

Girls usually listen to Kpop and boys listen to a random mainstream rapper, has anyone heard of Dragonforce? Probably not. Most people think about grades all day, and about 97% of the students end up in college. But there's always a cult of 20-30 kids who work out all the time. There's also a group of people who wanna be rappers or something, and think they are gangsters. 100% of the students identify as part of the LGBTQ community. We have a communist club. Oh and did I mention that every club on campus was created for the sole purpose of helping kids get into harvard? The only sports teams that win anything are crosscountry. cuz we skinny. Football team sucks.

You'd think that people in monta vista were "good kids", since they just study all day, but drugs and alchohol have been smuggled to homecoming , people do that dance called freaking, and coitus happens on campus.
You're so Monta Vista that you pulled allnighters in higschool to get straight A's and 20 APs to get into UC Berkeley computer science and graduate summa cum laude, only to have your boss be a San Jose state grad with a 2.8 gpa.
by YouraverageMVGrad August 9, 2022
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middle school that mostly sucks. i dunno im in it casue im dumb.
"what school do you go to?" " I go to monte vista middle school"
by the studen that sucks May 9, 2022
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paul: im really in the mood for a bel vista.
susan: okay!
by papathatwillpeedownyourthroat November 1, 2020
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