when a bear flips a stick like a staff
"Did you see the Kung Fu Bear at the zoo?"
"Yeah it spun a stick."
by Bloob bloob October 30, 2020
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Vag that is particularly spicy and vinegary to the taste, hence Kung Pao. Not rank or nasty like bearded clam or fishburger it is still an acquired taste even among cunny connoisseurs.
Bruh, I ate out at Mona's the other night, she got some serious Kung Pao Queef. It was pretty intense, but I had to finish her off, ya know?
by CaliforniaYankee88 May 10, 2018
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1. the art of folding clothes whilst there is a person still inside
2. involuntary yoga
person1: im going to commit kung fu
person2: lol what
by Super pixel March 8, 2022
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you got any of that kung fu karate chop chop motherfucker? i am all out...
by blacksabbathmatters August 24, 2019
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Takes many difficult steps to complete object.
Changing a tire takes some kung-fu.
by Lalajuicy October 3, 2022
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A ridiculous Chinese movie about a kung fu warrior who plays basketball. Stars Jay Chou.
by GallifreyDude March 27, 2012
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A foreign shaft used to obliterate the cooters of Chinese hookers.
Robbie’s teacher failed him so he gave her a taste of the Kung Pow Pecker
by Peter Ching June 30, 2021
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