Pimp: "Your new name is Dixie Creation"
Hooker: "But why?"
Pimp: "Cause guys like a good Dixie Creation" ;)
by bbuttman November 29, 2011
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When 2 or more girls sleep with the same guy
Me and Madison both slept with mark now we call ourselves the dixie-chixs.
by mam22 June 13, 2023
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Closet homosexual male from North West of England. Usually jobless, Jeremy Kyle addicts who masquerade around their lounge wearing anal love beads. Constantly accuses his male friends of being gay to camouflage his own gay passions.
Guy 1: Is that guy gay?
Guy 2: Yes. Very. He is a proper Dixy!
by NorthernNick March 31, 2017
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Someone in a classic Narcissist phase so hard they do not notice anything else around them.
by R2CUL8_1 December 6, 2021
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A weeabo who is both into anime and the Confederacy. They’re mostly located in the Southern United States, where the Confederate States once existed.
Weeb 1: “Hey man, are you gonna ask Jessica out to go to the next Anime convention?
Weeb 2: “I mean, she’s really, really nice, but she’s a dixie weeb. I don’t want to hang out with some racist.”
by Weegee420 September 26, 2021
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A very independent woman who is very blunt and honest. She loves love, peace, and music. She's very colorful and beautiful inside and out. She is the luckiest woman you'll ever meet.
by AValidPoint September 24, 2023
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If your name is Dixie, you're probably a girl who knows a lot of memes. Dixie is also a name which attracts bullies to attack you and tease you.
Bully: Yo you're Dixie
Dixie: I kno-
Dixie: *chokes on tongue and slowly dies*
by JokerJoker April 22, 2020
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