verb: (to) rebel against authority, whether its against the government, your parents (if you are a minor and living at your parents) or against your boss/supervisor at work or other people who have some kind of authority over you.
mother: Daniel, go do your homework instead of playing Minecraft, like watching porn, and bumble-stumbling at either Anna's house or the mall. I as your mother, by default, take away your privilege of being able to anger the Pope. Got that?
by Sexydimma June 29, 2012
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verb: (to) rebel against authority (except against the government or the legislative, judicial and executive orders) including against parents, boss/supervisor at work, teachers or others.
mother: Daniel, go do your homework instead of playing Minecraft, like bumble-stumbling at the mall or watching porn at Anna's house. For your disobedience, I, for now, take away your privilege to anger the Pope. Got that?
by Sexydimma October 1, 2012
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Meaning aneurism.
"Oh no, is Hayward going to have an angerism?"
by HairyShadow April 17, 2021
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A life-threatening blow-out of the brain circulation caused by high blood pressure and right-wing affiliation.
With his face all red and his lips quivering, Alex Jones had a third degree rupture of his angerism when he found out he couldn't buy off the judge.
by Chelonia Testudines January 7, 2023
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Where your red and white blood cella’s Mia together to make little green blood cells and it becomes angerism
Omg !!! Your making me have angerism right now 😡
by ANGERISM September 16, 2020
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The fake anger you adopt (or induce yourself with) when you don't really get angry in an interaction but think with a little expression of anger you'll get your way.
I wasn't really angry, it was induced anger.
by Hashem the female May 17, 2021
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When you get so angry at something, you can't form words strong enough to describe it, so you just end up vibrating your hands/body in absolute rage. Common causes of subtitle anger include other people's hypocrisy and ignorance.
"When that guy said "You're not special for reading the Great Gatsby, we all went to high school." and then when someone quoted a line from it to him, he said "I haven't read the book.".. I suffered from subtitle anger.
by MDPlayer1 December 19, 2015
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