adj. - Used to describe any person place or thing which emphatically displays the symptoms of a severe mental handicap or an origin in the same.
by andosiubndiuhkn ciuhbdia ckjhb February 14, 2022
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Welcome to the museum of Urban Dictionary today's word is the Retarded Tiktok Girls, these usually consists of white girls shaking their ass for the local pedophile to look at as if Steve Jobs announcing the first Iphone or the white woman acting oblivious to what they are doing acting "retarded." They are like COVID-19 but if COVID was more retarded
Girl 1: Oh my god guys we have just reached the Holocaust memorial and we are gonna show our respects by stripping down naked, painting ourselves as Anne Frank and then holding down a sign saying, "Hitler was bad, get over it!"

Girl 2: Yeah, this is for the Sexting Nazi challenge! Let's see if we can get 200K likes on this and next time we will try to 9/11 memorial and then set ourselves on fire and say "Osama Bin Laden was a meanie, RIP to people that died in 8/11- I mean 9/11"

Pedophile: Look at those tits flying around like those floating things at car dealerships! Look at those Retarded Tiktok Girls!
by Niggainator January 2, 2023
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When one can't remember things and or has trouble with identification. It become very hard for a person with this disability to handle serious situations. Often times the person is not aware of his or her defect. Five in every ten people are born with this disability.
"What did I say yesterday about not touching my food?"

"I don't remember!"
"It's that Retard Defect Disability that you have."
"That's not a real disability."
by JakeRandom Ness August 10, 2011
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A term given to one that has trouble dancing or keeping a Rhythm. Also given to those who cannot do anything at a certain pace or beat. Generally considered an insult among drummers and dancers.
Girl: -stumbles during dance routine-
Boy: Why'd you stumble on such an easy thing?
Girl: -shrugs- I guess i'm Rythmically Retarded.

Drummer 1: Dude, who is that Rythmically Retarded drummer over there?
Drummer 2: Oh, he's a n00b.
by Ianyomo March 31, 2010
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A group of retards that form a alliance to create a retardants.
Woah, I never seen a retardance that big before, “said John.” Bro, that’s just the group of popular kids.
by Jaykishan Patel November 14, 2021
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