A person who spends most of their time in urbanized areas who is accustomed to having almost everything done for them. This person lacks basic life skills, such as using basic hand tools, replace a light bulb, reset a breaker, etc.
Can you believe James doesn’t know how to replace a burnt out lightbulb? What an urban retard!
by June 7, 2022
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When you say or do things that trap you in a situation.
"I can't believe Jimmy made all those racist comments last night when he was drunk."
"Yeah I guess you can say that now he's more helpless than a retard stuck in a net."
by null793 August 17, 2015
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Someone who acts stupid when they actually know what’s going on
Tyler:Gabe is such a selective retard…

Jake:I know right! He acts so stupid.
by MARCUS IS THE GOAT October 5, 2021
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some who patronises the person with learning disability, in a retarded defining way
man that arsehole patronising that poor man like a patronising retard I feel so sorry for the poor man with a disability,
by jekylls new Hyde July 16, 2020
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A person, generally male, who preys on younger girls with an external intent of love and caring but with the hidden motive of sex. This person generally doesn't understand the feelings of females and when tries to comprehend may need to dump the girl, or perform a sexual act with another girl to rebuild his self-esteem
Girl 1: Hey I got with this guy the other day, he's so sweet and caring.
Girl 2: If I were you, I'd dump him right now, everyone knows he's a retarded-hormonal-monkey!
by TheLegendThatBe October 8, 2011
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Someone who is really fucking bad at sarcasm and thinks they are actually good. Their sarcasm doesn’t put any hints that they are sarcastic and sounds like normal speech and they will call you stupid that you didn’t get it.
Person 1: “We’re going to hang out at 3”

Person 2: “Oh cool, see you there.”
Person 1: “Are you fucking retarded I was being

Person 2 (in their head): “Damn, this really is guy is actually a sarcasm retard... how the fuck was I supposed to know he was sarcastic..”
by JaKhaki_Twin May 1, 2021
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june is the month where everybody has to be retard
human 1:hey dude its retarded month lets be retarded
human 2:hell yeah!
by idontknowwhattonamethis June 20, 2023
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