In reference to a person or persons, displaying facial characteristics that include cheeks that invoke the desire to squish or squeeze said cheeks, as well as dimples placed in the traditional position of the cheeks but also elsewhere on the face such as in the chin. Displaying the combination of both of these traits results in the person having a "squishy dimple face".
"Check out that cute girl over there...she has a squishy dimple face that I wanna squeeze"
Person to friend: "Mate, when you smile, you have a proper squishy dimple face. Sort it out".
by hullabalou247 October 20, 2018
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When a man is struggling for an erection and gets partially there. Not too hard, not too soft. Not enough to have sex.
Babe, I’m sorry. It’s a 3/4 squishy. I’m so close. Maybe suck on me a little?
by Yeah unfortunately March 7, 2021
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Guy 1:yo dude did you get that squishy turtle yet?
Guy 2:no man i didnt its some bull!
Guy 3:wait you guys dont mean a real turtle do you?
Guys 1 and 2:hahahahahaha
by JackReacher XMP June 30, 2010
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A true pimp, someone who gets laid when he wants it and has multiple ladies on his dick.
by Anonymous October 19, 2003
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