Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by someone really needing to use the bathroom.
Hey man, don't just assume he was being an asshole. Maybe he just really needed to use the bathroom. It's Poo Poo's Razor.
by Smumbo July 4, 2021
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An East Coast Term referring to a particularly harsh hit of marijuana when smoking out of a bong or similar apparatus, usually the 2nd or 3rd hit from the bowl. This is the hit that has all the kief on it, and the recipient usually ends up coughing a lot.
by blizzyasfck January 19, 2011
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waking up after a night of drinking covered in blood.
dude...i don't know how it happened, but i got fuckin' razored last night.
by max March 1, 2008
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rex is a cool dude and loves teruteru very much.
you should date rex👹
person: you should be more like razor(rex)
by rex.oiz June 6, 2021
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I genatalia of a very thin woman on which you are afraid of cutting yourself.
Caroline was so thin she had a razor pussy.
by Rew454 December 25, 2016
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When your having sex with a girl while the guy is shaving her pubes off her pussy
John: yo I gave my girlfriend a razor maneuver last night.
Nathan: woah dude wish I could try that but I’m lonely
by Fireguy47 August 30, 2018
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If a Middle Eastern food establishment has good hummus, they will almost certainly have good Middle Eastern food.
A: I can't tell if Al Basha's has good Middle Eastern food, what do you think?

B: Achmed's Razor says if they have good hummus they have good Middle Eastern food.
by GQFez October 13, 2022
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