Kjlompl stands for. “ kylie jenner lipstick on my pussy lips “ it means that ur a psycho nigga who put makeup on ur hoohaa
Hey guess what

What ?

This bitch just said “ kylie jenner lipstick on my pussy lips

Oh hell no get the kids
by Yourmomscameltoe August 27, 2022
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When a dog licks its crotch, especially when it is aroused.
Don’t let Poochy lick your face—he just finished putting on lipstick.
by Dboy85 December 22, 2019
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when a guy consumes lots of tapatio or other type of hot sauce and finishes off on a girls lips.
Guy 1: Man I gave that one bitch some wasabi lipstick.
Guy 2: Yeah how she take it?
Guy 3: Nigguh that bitch couldn't even talk after having that shit all over her lips.
by Thatone Ninja March 14, 2008
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When your lipstick comes out to play, but your uniball says “no way!”
Dustin had a girl to pick, too bad he had a uniball lipstick.
by Russianmercedes30 August 2, 2019
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(a term originally used by the Democratic party to insult Sarah Palin during the US presidential campaign of 2008 because some of the -IMHO misogynistic- Democrats didn't like how much make make-up she was putting on)

overkill, when people go over and/or beyond their call of duty or responsibilities, or beyond acceptable socio -moral boundaries when doing something.
I support capital punishment as a principle for certain crimes and under certain conditions, and will not, under any circumstances, go lipstick on a pig and reject the principle of capital punishment itself because I hate lethal injection or lethal gas as a method of execution; I will simply state that IMHO such or such a method of capital execution (but not the idea of capital punishment itself) is absolutely inappropriate in modern society. Or, I might reject the use of capital punishment for a specific case, but not as a principle. The moral of the fable is, do not go lip lipstick on a pig and betray your own moral principles.
by Sexydimma January 1, 2014
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When a person gives oral to a female during her menstrual cycle.
Rick looks up at the mirror after the hooker climaxed and realized he has lickster-lipstick.
by Grrrlawless September 20, 2017
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When you eat Doritos and the orange powder is left on ones lips.
Mom:*look at child* The Doritos go in your mouth not on it.

Child: Mom it's okay it's my Dorito lipstick.
by Zero_000 January 26, 2015
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