Is someone who is socially awkward, Weirdo.
This phrase is originated in Hebrew - Yetzur Me hatahat
Yetzur - Creature
Me - From

hatahat - The ass

Can be used in a simpler way :
Creature from the ass

Rectal creature is using medical reference for more

sophisticated insult.

"Look at this weird looking dude! he's such a rectal creature!"
"Look at this weird looking dude! he's such a rectal creature!"
by Excel265 June 21, 2014
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It's a mythical creature from meth army lore where this poor addicted household had a plastic bag covered in humanity and resin to the point where it woke up sentient and warns people addicted to drugs of upcoming dangers. It's a transmorphing plastic bag that grows syringes out of its limbs and dances on your back to warn of dangerous situations. The world's first living pokemon. Breakdances frequently.
The jibberwalky creature was a figment of my imagination until it did a breakdance on my back
by Cody5050 June 8, 2022
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A creature who has big teeth that stick out and does a weird worm dance then proceeds to stand in the corner of the room and watches you as it plans some allegations against you but be warned it will make other lies up to defeat you it's a scary creature and no this isn't about just one creature this could be millions of creatures like creatures who love bananas and lava lamps or creatures that have large holes or even creatures that have a beeeeep family like hills have.... there are plenty of creatures out there so if your thing is creature please don't get upset this could be about you or even about something else or someone else
A creature that is tall and big and hairy
by Your mum's vibrator March 22, 2023
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Racial Termonology for an asian person (includes Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Nepalese, Afghanistan etc...)
Scooter from Coronation street was the original Skip Creature
by Dillon March 16, 2005
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Another way to say that one is a cross dresser on a Tindr profile.
I'm a deviant creature, If you know what that means. If you are interested in how it feels like to be in the company of a very feminine and passable CD, lemme know!
by TacoJackson August 25, 2017
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Something to totally surprise your friends with. Try to act like it’s something shocking, and THEN show them the face. If executed properly, they’ll be disappointed, but in a funny way.
I totally freaked out Tomar with the chewing creature, dude.
by maklunky August 2, 2023
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A person who spends 95% or more of their time on the couch....They eat on the couch...Sleep on the couch...And play video games either on the Phone or TV ....on the couch...they refuse to use sheets...the fact is the only time one of these people will get up off of the couch is to use the restroom (Hopefully) or to secure food, only to bring it back to the couch to eat it......Showers are very rare and usually in the very early AM hours. Getting rid of one can be tricky and should be well thought out.
Bill: "Dude , Jimmy has been living at our house for 2 weeks since his girl friend tossed him out."
Dude " Yeah and hes starting to smell, hasn't paid for anything, and he hasn't left the house once."
Bill " Left the house, Dude he hasn't gotten off the fucking couch....hes become some sort of Couch Creature.
Dude " I was thinking of lighting the couch on fire to see if he responds."
Bill " Yeah I think its our only hope"
by Stains and Smears May 22, 2019
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