When bongocat decided to be mighty it will stand up and show you its super saiyan form bongocat with a muscular human body wow imagine that.
Bongocat: No more bongos fear me the mighty bongocat!
by Mightybongocat the first November 24, 2021
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When two muscle heads drink each others cum. Similar to a protein shake, or pre workout.
“Hey bro you want to waterfall this mighty milk, you know so we don’t indirectly kiss cause that’s gay
by God of syn December 30, 2022
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You can always feel the ground rumble before this louder larger than life MAMMOTH is in your presence! Irrational and unpredictable is an understatement. With the most deafening of tone it never sleeps it’s always on the prowl for its next victim too cop a lashing.
by Bowskill90 October 13, 2023
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Band full of kids who all play super smash bros and laugh at jokes funny years ago
Kid: Big Chungus, hehe, *snickers*
Me: That was funny years ago bro wtf
Kid: Says the guy that has Tiktok 🤓

Me: Everything you laugh at comes from tiktok, except it’s years old
Kid: Nope, you like chinese propaganda *chuckles*
Me: Oh right, you’re in the Prosper Mighty Eagle Marching Band
by Don’t even ask bro December 30, 2022
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When a large ogre and a dark mustang follow you home, hog tie you to the bed and take turns rubbing your "magic wand".
Last night we got crazy and pulled a mighty Michael in the staircase.
by Thatnucca November 20, 2020
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A very ugly YouTuber with no talent. He impresses no one with his lack of creativity and comedic timing. Nothing in this world legitimately finds this man entertaining. He is a plague in the community and thinks of himself too highly.
Yo Mighty Quester sucks!
I know right he doesn't deserve to live!
by Mighty Quester May 28, 2019
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