Get up to leave and say "Don't worry lads, I've got the tip." Then cash pay a weak tip based on your idea of the bill, but do not pay for your own meal and drinks. Scoot .away.
Mary said to Dave, " what's this 156 dollar charge?"

Dave says, "appears to be Pope's food and drink, but he got the tip."
Mary says: " He only paid the tip? Not his portion?"
Dave: "Yeah he pulled a Scottish Exit."
by carpetstain July 14, 2022
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The sound a person makes when giving that extra umph to complete the passing of an enormous chocolate log.
Dude, we were in a public bathroom, why did that asshole in stall 3 have to give an exit grunt?
by Chredwards April 7, 2017
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A group of people who carry out assisted suicide in the book Exit by Belinda Bauer.
"The ultimate outcome was, of course, inevitable, but in the short term an Exiteer had to learn to be patient"
by morethenless January 7, 2022
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Being knocked semi-unconscious and dragged out by your feet.
That guy was so obnoxious the bouncers gave him a united exit.
by KlintQ April 11, 2017
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When someone reaches their limit amid a FaceTime, Zoom, or other virtual social get-together and goes to bed.
Kristy was none to pleased at Matthew’s pre-10pm V-exit on FaceTime last night.
by GoldenChild12 March 28, 2020
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As friendly as folks are in Montana, they always stop to say hello, usually on horseback, and then quickly go on about their business. Perhaps fishing, hunting, checking cattle, or fencing.
Jeremiah, let’s stop by Willie’s, but make a Montanan Exit, I’m going fishing in the morning.
by Terms of the West August 18, 2022
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Terrible tasting brew that calls itself a beer, originated from the one and only greatest state ever. New Jersey. Tastes of Celery and hairspray at most but not all times, unusually better tasting when warm. At this point it goes from the norm of celery and hairspray to a more cat piss, arm pit sweat taste, which one may enjoy more then veggies and hairproducts. If you enjoy getting your haircut, while consuming your daily amounts of vegetables, this should be your beer of choice.
Hey does anyone want another exit 4, Im heading to the fridge now?

No thanks, I dont like produce junction, nor do I enjoy hair salons.
by Nitsuj0207 June 19, 2010
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