International: The act of hitting someone, primarily with a baseball bat to the head

Meme: A dog hitting another dog in the head with a baseball bat with the caption "go to horny jail *bonk*" This meme was popular in 2020 and still is

British: The act of having sex with someone
"oh that guy is so hot I would fuck him anyday"
"Go to horny jail"


"Aight mate?"
"Yeah not so bad how are you"
"I'm feeling splendid, just bonked the wife last night, and I finished right as the daughter walked in"
"Damn you had a wild night"
by dErpyto3z July 24, 2022
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After gaming for hours you have a shit
David: Boys I just had the biggest Bonk
by Jimlemonbear July 7, 2020
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Bonk is a skiing term meaning cool, awesome, sick, steezy.
Duuuude that blunt grab was BONK!!
by Jebdbaj September 23, 2020
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An exclamation of superiority in battle. It is usually spoken upon impact, when the speaker's weapon, preferably a baseball bat, makes contact with it's target.
Scout: "BONK!"
Other man: "I am no match for this man, for I have been hit by his baseball bat."
by XersuiluB November 25, 2019
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doge = no more hornies
they get put in the horny jail
Phil - I'm so horny and want to sex
by Porked March 28, 2022
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sexual intercourse, used in place of fucking, a sextape/porn, or fuck buddy.
i want to bonk you so hard.
oh him? he's my bonkbro.
we made a bonktape last night.
by snuffybun February 1, 2020
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UK slang - to 'fuck' something or someone.

"Yo, bonk that man"

- could mean fuck that person or fuck whatever is happening in the context.
"I have to go see my mother in law today"

"Yo, bonk that man. Come chill with me instead"
by Merkust April 21, 2021
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